Self-managed super funds are a great way to make savings. You get to decide your investments and how your funds will be managed. This gives you ample opportunity to plan your tax returns. You can survey the market on your own, make a list of the investment plans and then decide where to invest your money so that you get tax benefits and end up saving as well. Unless proper planning is done and is executed meticulously, one will never be able to save. With the cost of almost everything on the rise, expenditure is at an all time high. You have to plan wisely so that you can save for the future. After retirement you should have sufficient funds to spend a lavish life. Nobody wants to struggle and make ends meet after retirement. If you are planning for SMSF audit Brisbane we advise that you hire the services of a financial advisor who will help and guide you as far as your investments are concerned. He will tell you how to make money out of your existing fund. Moreover, for prop...